What is Love? A longing after more than outward pleasure, A digging to discover hidden treasure. An Aesop's net, where mouse like you may see, A nibbling cony set a lion free. The pleasant'st game that ever was invented. The sweetest sin, so hard to be repented, That makes the lawyer plead without a fee and the divine commit idolatry; That makes the daring soldier to prefer, A single combat far before the war; Turns age to youth, that once again they might, In August taste of pleasant May's delight...♥
What is Love?
What is Love? A longing after more than outward pleasure, A digging to discover hidden treasure. An Aesop's net, where mouse like you may see, A nibbling cony set a lion free. The pleasant'st game that ever was invented. The sweetest sin, so hard to be repented, That makes the lawyer plead without a fee and the divine commit idolatry; That makes the daring soldier to prefer, A single combat far before the war; Turns age to youth, that once again they might, In August taste of pleasant May's delight...♥
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